Maker’s Mark Tours feature Stunning Chihuly Ceiling

By: Marla Nicole Shivers


Maker’s Mark distillery tours are even better than ever: Treat yourself and you’ll more than double your pleasure. Not only will you get to sample several bourbons (and can personally hand dip any bottle or gift that you buy into red wax) but the best gift on the Maker’s Mark tours might be inside the barrel warehouse. That’s where you will admire the backlit ceiling installation of “The Spirit of the Maker” by Dale Chihuly.


Rob Samuels, COO and grandson of the founder Bill Samuels, Sr., crafted a hand-written letter to the artist asking if he’d consider creating one of his prized Chihuly exhibits to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Maker’s Mark. Samuels likened the artist to his grandfather, describing both as pioneers and innovators who “revolutionized” their respective genres. 


Inspired by Maker’s Mark premium hand crafted bourbon and the family story, Chihuly explained his kaleidoscope of shapes and forms. The reds, blues, ambers and green blown glass pieces represent the colors of the signature Maker’s Mark wax, limestone spring-fed water, corn and wheat. Add Maker’s Mark tours to your travel agenda and view the “The Spirit of the Maker,” a colorful commemoration of the Maker’s Mark anniversary of as well as browse the collection of historical artifacts.


You can find Chihuly exhibits and installations in museums and public gardens around the world, but this is the first Chihuly for public viewing in Kentucky. 

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